The Importance of Building a Foundation pt 2

In the last video we covered the 1st process of building our foundation but it doesn’t stop there for it is a never ending process that we will continue to work on for the rest of our lives. There is many steps we can take to make sure that this process is a smooth one and at the same time building on our foundations.. Some of those things I wish to cover tonight…

The Importance of Building a Foundation



The most Important work we do is building our Foundation. It is the one thing that is always changing as we grow spiritually & as we experience life as well. It is also the one thing that people have over looked or don’t realize the importance of the focus on their Great Work but believe that their Foundations are set in stone & never needs anymore work & that is far from the case…

Path & Disciplines “Psybermagick”

Open Discussions Where will the conversation lead us tonite???